Wednesday, April 14, 2010

You Have No Right

Yankee’s Fan (after noticing I was wearing a Red Sox hat): How do you like them Yankees?
Me: Not at all.
Yankee’s Fan: We’re the world champs.
Me: Uh-huh.
Yankee’s Fan: Red Sox suck.
Me: Okay.
Yankee’s Fan: I’m just messing with you. When does the season start?
Me: A week ago.
If you claim to be a fan of something that’s one thing. If you’re a Yankee’s fan and you want to give me shit, fine, I understand. I would give you shit too had the Red Sox won the World Series. But, if you claim to be a fan, then bust my balls about it, but you don’t even know that the season has started, let alone that the Red Sox and Yankees have already played a three game series, you have no right.
‘Nuff Said.